In The Beginning…

Hi! My name is Kessie Noel and I am the creator of the foilaYAZZ Artistic Hair Colouring Foils. I have been in this industry my entire life as my grandmother was 1 of 2 beauticians in the small rural town that I grew up in. I was just 13 when she and my grandpa realized that I had a Knack for Hair. You see Grandpa was in the Army (Battle of the Bulg) and he was his platoon barber too. So, while grandma taught me how to hold a comb (there is an art to it) grandpa showed me the ways of the good ole Clipper!

I graduated with my cosmetology degree after high school in 1994,  and although I had athletic opportunities to go to college, I decided to pursue the trade I had an obvious passion for! It didn’t take long to build a healthy clientele and at the age of 21 I decided to go to College. Oklahoma State University was calling my name! I worked full time and went to class 9 hours a semester. I also took summer courses and intercessions when available and I ended up FINALLY graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (B.F.A.) 7 years late in 2004. I’ll never forget my grandma sitting in the handicapped space in her wheelchair on the second level of the Gallagher Iba Arena! Grandma passed away just a week later… I know she held on to see me walk across that stage! In fact she was the one that paid for my first visual art lesson from the town artist who was also the church choir leader! Grandma was a visual arts artist herself, we all are you know. Walking Works of Art are being created by you everyday its the most gratifying art ever! You have a commissioned art work in your styling chair that you can collaborate with and within a few hours you get a smile, a thank you, most of the time a hug, but best of all PAID! What other type of artist can say and do That!? Not many, so you should be proud of yourself ALWAYS!

Let me tell you how I invented the foilaYAZZ Artistic Hair Colouring Foils and my
JAG-N-EDGE technology! So, there was no such thing as foiling when I graduated Beauty School 26 years ago (I’m 45) I can cap color like no other, but this new hair coloring technique called FOILING intrigued me. I had my guinea pigs, but finally one day a salon in town had a foil artist came do a hair foiling demo.  He came from Tulsa and that was a pretty big deal! I wish I could remember his name… He taught us how to do the paneling technique! I was over trying to weave tiny sections and ending up with 200 folded foils all over my clients head. I took to long and TIME IS MONEY in this industry. This was the day I finally GOT it though! I was doing full head foils in no time and making more money also! This paneling technique is actually the reason I accidently came across how to use the jagged edge foils!

I now have owned my own salon in Tulsa for going on 16 years and I was the first to create a Hair Salon and Art Gallery here. I didn’t want to stop doing hair so I combined the visual arts with the “Walking Works of Art”.  Art-N-Style had been my vision since I was in college and I have made that goal and dream come true! It’s such a rewarding business, to create a clientele of like minded people that are not only your clients, but your friends also. It’s been proven these kind souls have my back and have supported me and my family through thick and thin! When Covid 19 hit I was in shock to say the least. I mean, how could I after 26 years be out of work? Several of my customers called and text to check on me and some even bought gift cards knowing this was my income. Your clients don’t have to come to you, but they want to, not only because you do great hair, but because you make them HAPPY! Don’t ever forget how special this profession is.

Knowing now what I do about art and its many art forms and mediums. I have realized. We are all looking for the horizon, that beauty and we as artist are all subliminally striving to get back to nature. This is why I believe the Ombré hair color was designed and made popular. Now an evolution of the ombré is the perfected Balayage! This hair design mimics long NATURAL hair. Like a child that has never colored their hair and has been wearing a ponytail all summer. The hair pulled back on top of the head naturally bleaches out and so do the ends, but when worn down it becomes a perfect Balayage!  Master hair artists all over the world have worked to recreate and accent this natural beauty by using the balayage technique. There are many ways to execute a Balayage. I prefer to add some highlights toward the scalp using the panel foiling technique and then I used to go back between the panels and on the hair that wasn’t weaved I would then balayage that hair. It processes faster in foil and came out Beautiful everytime!

One day, I once again accidentally brushed my bleach off of the regular foil (being shorter than the hair) and when I  usually would get my water bottle and try to clean it off (so that it wouldn’t leave a bleach spot) I thought to myself, Hmm…. I’m going to go back to this hair and balayage it anyway, so how about I just go ahead and brush off  all of the foils bleaching the ends and see what happens. It worked, and the ends where brighter, but there was a demarcation line. Thank goodness I only did it on the nape area! I went back through and fixed it, but I realized how I could fix that line too! I cut 2-4 inch jags on the ends of the foil and tried it again. I was amazed at how good it turned out and then started using this technique on all my balayage clients! I got really tired of cutting the foils myself and went on a hunt to see if I could find some already manufactured. I found Nothing…. I then thought. WAIT! It’s not been done before???  REALLY?? I hired a patent attorney to do a patentability search and guess what? Yep, there wasn’t anything out there! Why can’t I become the Jackson Pollock of this new artistic movement in this everchanging hair industry?! So, here I am a year and a half later with a U.S. AND European Utility Patent pending product! I AM ECSTATIC to promote and teach this new foiling process to not only the master stylists of the world, but the novice stylists also! Almost anyone, can create a perfect FoilaYAZZ using my JAG-N-EDGE technology! Plus, it can be done in close to HALF THE TIME that it takes to do a traditional balayage!  If I can make a difference to anyone in this hair industry, it would be to make their life beautiful by putting currency in their pockets.  Ultimately helping them to achieve their life Goals and Dreams!  Time is Money, we only have two hands and so much time in a day! So, get yourself some JAG-N-Edge foilaYAZZ foils and start working smarter, not harder Y’all! I hope you’ve enjoyed my story and will also enjoy doing a foilaYAZZ on your clients Today!

Stay on the JAG-N-EDGE,

Kessie Noel

President of Art-N-Style Studios

C.E.O. @ FoilaYAZZ


Kessie HeadshotThis page is dedicated to my Grandparents Noel Ross & Cora Estella Jacobs

You are Missed and Loved Always!